Obsessions and Compulsions

Obsessions and Compulsions

Anxiety permeates many of the thoughts and actions of a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Obsession is a kind of anxious thinking, characterized by disturbing, repetitive, incongruous or inappropriate thoughts or images that spin through the mind and increase the person’s anxiety.  The obsessor often feels guilty or responsible, disturbed at imperfections, or afraid of losing his or her grip.  Compulsions or rituals are stereotyped behaviors or actions driven by anxiety that may seem temporarily to relieve anxiety. Compulsions are efforts to set things right or make the obsessive concerns go away.
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Don’t Worry Yourself Sick

Chronic and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Therapy


End Perpetual Worry!!

Chronic anxiety needn’t last a lifetime.  Generalized anxiety and other anxiety conditions characterized by intense or relentless worry or obsessing are very treatable.  Many people improve greatly or overcome chronic anxiety entirely with the help of a therapist who specializes in treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) – I specialize in generalized anxiety disorder therapy as well as other disorders that involve excessively anxious thinking and intense underlying fears or dread.
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Coping with Anxiety and Panic

Anxiety is the sense of threat we feel when danger is coming. Whether imminent or in the future, real or imagined, disturbing anxiety may result in anxiety or panic attacks or develop into an anxiety disorder. Anxiety attacks are panic attacks with milder symptoms and a lesser sense of being out of control. Uncertainty about the likelihood of harm and apprehension about the damaging potency of what we fear will intensify anxiety.
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